1. Fall Sticky Trees by Two-Daloo. Love this blog. She's a speech-language pathologist and focuses on sensory play and fun. 2. Sun Prints at Parents.com. 3. Leaf Lantern by 5orangepotatoes. 4. Leaf Printing at thisisloveforever.com 5. Salt Dough Prints at thatartistwoman.org.
My Review:
- Sun prints (#2). This was super easy and turned out pretty cool also. We want on a nature walk and picked out leaves and other fall objects (acorns, etc). My girls enjoyed this. Then we used a glue stick to attach them to construction paper (Dollar Store) and stuck them up in a sunny window for a couple days. We then put them in frames from a thrift store. They turned out great. I recommend this one.
- Leaf Lantern (#3). I did this with fake leaves from the Dollar Store and Modge Podge. This didn't work so well and I wasn't a fan. This project wasn't completed. Maybe real leaves would work better.