Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Giveaway Begins...

I've decided that although this Giveaway is not the ideal of what I wanted to do that it's about time that I fulfill on my promise.  So I will be starting the clock on our first giveaway today.  The process I will be following is this.

-Every follower of this blog will be entered to win
-If you comment on this post you will get an additional entry
-I will posting about the giveaway on our Facebook page...if you like this Facebook post you will get an additional entry
-Anyone you refer to the blog or Facebook page will also earn you an additional entry
-Entries will end on March 24, 2012 at midnight (MST).  Drawing winner(s) will be announced on March 26th.

I will make a list of those who have been entered and assign numbers down the list and then use a random number selector to chose a winner.  The winner will be announced on Facebook and the blog and will then email me with their choice of items below and their address.

Giveaway choices:
-seat belt cover (a pair for infant car seat or one for adult seat belt)
-tiered plate (the green plate set or the hardware to make your own w/ plates not included)
-your choice of three hair accessories (felt or silk)
-fabric ball

So follow, like, refer and win something super great for yourself or someone you love.

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