Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Trying Something New(ish)

It's not completely new to me but I haven't crocheted anything beyond my simple scarves a couple years ago for my kiddos.  I learned to crochet very basically around age 13 and didn't keep it up.  Pretty much the only stitches I know are single and double crochets and chaining.  But my sister has taken a renewed love of it and is trying to reintroduce me to the art as well.  She is a fan of Ravelry.com and now so am I.  Granted I can't do a lot of the projects I want to yet but I'm going to learn some things for sure.

Here is my first project via Jennifer Dickerson.  I started out easy with what she calls a modified granny stripe.  It was soooo easy and fun to remember.  Plus I learned a little more about reading patterns...which has been a mystery to me.  I finished this one in a few hours and now I'm ready to try something different and learn some new stitches.

*Update (10/06/13):  How flattering...I received a message on Ravelry that they want to feature my photo/scarf as a project done with the pattern.  I must have done pretty good for my first project haha