I wasn't going to post a Free Craft Friday today. But would it really make since to post a craft for Christmas after Christmas? So I give you my "we don't have a mantel or fireplace" solution. I saw the idea of using a curtain rod with stocking hangers on Pinterest but we don't have a mantel or shelf in our home to put our stocking hangers on so I decided to try something different.
I dug out a curtain rod that I never used and picked up some removable adhesive hooks from the store. I realize these aren't the best looking hooks (I wasn't sure it would work) but I would definitely put in a few more dollars for the nicer looking ones if I did this again. Hopefully you can look past the tacky appearance to see an idea that could work for you if you don't have a mantel or fireplace. Our stockings were hanging off of a floor lamp prior to this so this is a definite improvement. I hung this over our staircase by the front door but any wall would work.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!
*once again N2C Original means I didn't find the idea (at least not exact with this one) on another site to credit them.