Tuesday, January 31, 2012

First Birthday -- 12 Month Banner

This was my absolute favorite thing to put together for our girls first birthday.  I saw variations of these all over pinterest and it instantly became my must have decoration (and keepsake) for their birthday.  I went off of this one from Modern Parent Messy Kids but with a definite variation as I wanted circles and a little background color/paper.

Materials Needed:
- 13 Large Paint Chip samples (per banner) - (FREE)
- 1 or 2 sheets of scrapbook paper ($1)
- 1 pack of number stickers ($2.50)
- 1 pack of letter stickers ($1) 
- pictures galore (1 picture for each month - $1.50 or FREE if you already have some on hand)
- 3 round objects in various sizes (I used a tin candle can, a spool of ribbon and a measuring cup)
-glue stick

Step 1: Cut out rounds of your pictures, paint chips and scrapbook paper.  I used my largest circle to cut out the paint chip, then next largest for the paper and then smallest circle for the picture.  You could do this in different order.

Step 2:  After figuring out your layout preference; Glue your bottom layer to your middle layer.  After gluing I placed them under a heavy book to prevent curling. 

Step 3:  Once your bottom/middle layer are dried then glue your pictures onto the paper.  Once again I dried these under a heavy book to prevent curling. 

Step 4:  After all layers of paper and pictures are dried then add a number to each picture to display the month that it represents in your child's life.  I put month 12 in a larger middle picture and then NB (newborn) through 11 months on the sides.  This made an even 6 pictures per side. 

Step 5:  Tape, staple, clip or otherwise fasten your pictures to yarn, string, wire, crochete thread (my choice), hemp string or whatever else strike your fancy or decor motif.

I couldn't help but share pictures (close up) of both banners I made.  I can't be playing favorites now can I??  Love these girls!!

*I had most of my materials on hand so I am putting this down as an Under $5 project (it might cost a couple dollars more if you have to buy supplies or pictures).

Friday, January 27, 2012

Free Craft Friday -- Gripper Socks

In theory these look like a great idea right?  I thought so too.  Our one-year old twins are up and cruising but socks cause slipping.  And laminate floor causes cold toes.  And I didn't want to buy a bunch of socks with gripping.  So I bought some puff paint ($1 a bottle) and put these together.  Maybe if I had older kids they could comment as to the effectiveness but I can't tell the difference beyond them becoming more sure footed.  But they were fun to make and a cute touch.

First Birthday -- Cupcake Wreath

Due to the girls birthday being 3 days after Christmas I wanted to get rid of anything Christmas related (at least upstairs where the party was held) and add a bit of birthday decoration and fun color.  One thing I came across that I found fun when dealing with cupcake liners was a ball with cupcake liners stuck into the middle with pins and glue.  I didn't have time or patience to do a bunch of balls but I thought this would be cute as a door wreath.
I stole another idea to use pipe foam covers to form a wreath.  It bent as was the prediction on one site and so I inserted a wire hanger through the middle to maintain the shape.  Then I went to town with my cupcake liners and straight pins.  I didn't use glue as I only expected this to last a day or two and didn't want to take the extra time.  I enjoyed how it turned out and I still have it hanging up (in the house of course now...it would have never lasted in the snow)

Also loving a couple other ideas for cupcake liners...check these out.  Oh the things you never knew you could do with a cupcake liner:


Monday, January 23, 2012

Problematic Posting...

Oh good gravy.  I have so many little projects I want to post about and put on here and guess what.  Well my laptop finally crashed and is now residing at the dump.  And our new desktop runs great but for some reason will not let me upload pictures on Blogger or Picasa or sites that link through Blogger to use here.  I think there has to be some preference that isn't right but I have no idea.

But for now I am frustratingly at a grinding halt of being able to share anything with you all okay few.  Working on it and once it works I'm hoping to do a whole slew of project posts and then the Giveaway will get back on track.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Free Craft Friday -- Seat Belt Covers

We recently transitioned the girls into convertible car seats (still rear facing...they don't even weigh 20 lbs if we wanted to turn them around haha).  I thought this would get rid of the "belt burn" that Seren often got on her neck when we tightened the belts down with the infant seats.  It didn't.  Kendall even got one or two with this new seat style.  They weren't a fan of them of course so I went online and found these adorable seat belt covers and an awesome tutorial by Jess at CraftinessIsNotOptional.  Once again I'm not going to post a tutorial because this one is awesome...no need to even modify.

-3 3/4" long; fit and used on my Evenflo Tribute carseats

-P.S.  Most instruction manuals will say that you can't add anything to the seat or it compromises the safety.  I feel okay putting these on the seat as they are small and don't seem to change how the belt or harness works or fits (I'll try to snap a picture once in place...or check out the tutorial pictures).  Anyone with more experience or knowledge have more to say or feel on this topic?  (I'm curious and not out to argue;  I think we can safely say we are all in it for our kids' safety)

-my under $5 estimate is based on the fact I bought materials to make 2 sets of seat belt covers for around $8...so one set would be relatively cheap (plus I bought too much fabric and have quite a bit left over).

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Birthday Party -- Tiered Plate

I raided pinterest.com for birthday party ideas.  I wanted to do cupcakes and I wanted something fun and in the color scheme still to put the cupcakes on.  I found many different tiered plate ideas (candlesticks, small juice cups, etc) but nothing stood out to me.  Then I found this project and fell in love with the look and the idea.  I won't be posting a tutorial on this as I think Backless Shirt blog has an awesome instructional.
my finished products
tiered plates at hard work...holding up delicious cupcakes

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First Birthday Party...

Our twin girls turned 1 year old just after Christmas.  I prepared early...I wanted to have a cute birthday party and I wanted to enjoy our first holidays with them also.  I decided on a cupcake theme.  I planned on making cupcakes for their party and slightly larger cupcakes for them to eat...nothing fancy but something a little fun.  I picked out some paint swatches at my local store to keep my color theme in check and also to make birthday banners out of.  I found cupcake wrapping paper, matching cupcake liners, balloons, a tiered dessert tray craft for cupcakes, iron-on cupcakes for a birthday shirt and even little cupcake plates.  Yep I went with it and it came together pretty nicely (I think).  Here are some pictures of the event.  I will be sharing links and tutorials on how everything came together throughout this month (I hope...that's the plan).
 Seren playing with her cousins by the presents as the party began
 Tiered plates with cupcakes in hot pink, green apple and teal
 Singing happy birthday while keeping candles at bay
 Seren loving her first real taste of sugar
 Kendall with her sugar buzzed look
 Seren in all her cupcake and icing glory
 Kendall with her demolished cupcake and icing
 Back of their personalized birthday shirts
 Family photo op before opening presents
 Kendall playing with her cousins and a toy from Christmas
 Seren playing with the cousins
 Kendall's birthday banner -- these were my favorite touch/decoration
 Seren's birthday banner 
the aftermath --balloons hanging over the kitchen table

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Giveaway Coming Soon...

I have a giveaway coming up in the next month or so (I want to make posts about the items the winner can choose from).  I'm really kind of excited about this and looking forward to hopefully someone (besides me) actually enjoying something I made.  So rules of the game ahead of time are:

1.  You will be entered for following this blog
2.  You will be entered for following my Facebook page (just barely setting this up)
3.  You will be entered for referrals of new followers of this blog (make sure they comment or email me giving you credit)
4.  You will be entered for referring any followers or "like"ers of the Facebook page
5.  You will be entered for commenting on the giveaway post (not this one...the real one...when it happens)

*one additional entry for each follower you refer...these will start adding up now so don't worry about delaying.

I would love to have between 15-20 followers on this blog before doing the giveaway just so that it's not an automatic win for someone.  So start spreading the news and stay tuned for more info.  Thanks everyone!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year...

I hope that everyone has enjoyed a great New Year so far.  I am looking forward to sharing how some projects that I've been working on have turned out lately and also starting a little giveaway fun here on this blog.  I am also just excited to hopefully get some time to myself and work on some new projects.  I am kind of looking forward to looking for inspiration, planning and redoing the girls' nursery over the next year or so (especially if we move like my husband is hoping for).  I was afraid of pink and girly things when I initially put their nursery together and now I'm looking forward to giving them some fun and splashes of pink (and color in general).

I also think it would be fun to have some resolutions around my crafting side...learning new things, finishing things and experimenting with some new ideas.  Anyone having inspiration for your 2012 goals??