Thursday, May 23, 2013

FoodPlanner App...

When my husband told me he was getting us both a Nexus 7 tablet (because you know two of those cost the same as one iPad)...I had no idea what I would do with it.  I still haven't put it to great use I'm sure but I do enjoy it a lot.  Our girls also have had hours of fun and educational apps put to use on it (more on that later). They are whizzes at puzzles and I think it has helped to grow their vocabulary...granted we try to limit their use of them still.
One thing I did decide to do with my tablet was to use it for organizing my grocery shopping and menu planning...

I tried out a few free apps and initially really liked "What's For Dinner?" app but when I bought the full version for the bonus features of using it online and some other didn't work and had some bug that we can't figure out and the tech support or developer hasn't been helpful with either.  I tried a couple more and ended up really really liking FoodPlanner.  It's simple but it performs everything I need.  It has worked with my current recipes, I can import recipes I find online (hello my love Pinterest meet my new love FoodPlanner).  Total awesomeness.

Plus I hate sitting down and planning my grocery list and menu.  Once the recipes are in my account I can simply add them via my Nexus to my weekly plan, select the days I want added to my grocery list and bingo bango there it is all done for me.  Then I just take off ingredients I have on hand and it adds the remaining needed ingredients for me.  Handy dandy!  I also love that this app also has the online access (with Pro version...worth the $3 or $4) as it makes it super simple to correct recipes or add in my own or old written ones.  I can import recipes using the URL for the recipe...I even do this with my own that I share here at Notion2Craft.  Together with tablet/phone app and online access this is like my perfect match.  It also has an inventory function which I haven't really played with but I can tell you my meal planning has been a whole easier.  Try FoodPlanner out and see if you like.

*full disclosure:  I'm not being compensated by FoodPlanner or any of it's possible affiliates (haha I wish).  I really just love the app. 

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